Mon - Fri 8:00 - 6:30

Current Month Articles

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'You're going back': South Carolina man seen on video harassing Hispanic driver, later arrested

A South Carolina man faces felony charges after police say he harassed a Hispanic driver. The video

Family moving to new home loses everything in Georgia U-Haul theft

Video shows a man entering the U-Haul parked outside of a Georgia hotel. Less than two minutes later

Caught on camera: Thieves target Hispanic stores across North Carolina

Thieves have been caught on camera stealing from Hispanic stores in North Carolina, prompting store

Wrong-way interstate crash leaves one dead, police say

A motorcyclist driving the wrong way on the interstate died when he collided with a tractor-trailer

6 Things to Know: Trump's moves to reshape policy at home and abroad

Trump's latest moves to reshape policy at home and abroad.

Egg heist: 100,000 eggs stolen from Pennsylvania trailer

The 100,000 eggs that were stolen from a processor are valued at $40,000.

Winter Returns Next Week

Winter Returns Next Week