Mon - Fri 8:00 - 6:30

Agent Affiliate Program

Boost Your Earnings with Our Affiliate Program for Insurance Agents

Are you an insurance agent who wants to earn more? Our affiliate program may be the solution you're looking for. By recommending other agents to subscribe to our platform, you earn $50.

What is an Affiliate Program?

Our affiliate program is agents are rewarded for bringing in new licensed insurance agents or any other professional in the medical industry. It's a win-win situation: HALO gains a new customer, and the (Agent) affiliate earns reward

How Does Our Affiliate Program Work?

Our affiliate program rewards agents who refer licensed insurance agents who purchase a subscription. It's a win-win situation: HALO gains a new customer and rewards the referring agent.

Here's how it works:

As an insurance agent, if you refer another agent who signs up for a paid subscription on our platform, we will give you a $50 gift card as a token of our appreciation.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Contact all the insurance agents you know could benefit from our platform and recommend them to try it out.
  • On your profile page, click friends, and there will be a button that says Invite A Professional. Click the button to copy the link and send it to the agent you want to invite.
  • Once the agent you recommended joins, they must sign up for a paid subscription on our platform. We offer various subscription plans to suit different needs and budgets.
  • Reward: Once the agent you recommended has successfully signed up for a paid subscription, we'll send you a $50 gift card.

Why Join Our Affiliate Program?

Joining our affiliate program has several benefits:

  • Extra Income: Each successful recommendation earns you $50. The more agents you recommend, the more you earn.
  • Help Others: By recommending other agents, you're helping them discover a platform to boost their business.
  • Easy Process: Our affiliate program is easy to join, and recommending other agents is straightforward.

So, what are you waiting for? Join our affiliate program today and start earning rewards for your recommendations. It's a fantastic opportunity to boost your income while helping other insurance agents grow their business. We look forward to welcoming you to our program!